I wasn't sure we'd be doing Halloween this year, partly since we still don't give Katie candy (although she definitely knows what "lollipop" is), and partly because I couldn't get a straight answer from her about a costume. Eventually we settled on a queen, which at times became a princess, and later a fairy. I made all the pieces of her costume, with some d
ecorating help from Katie (take a close look at the jewels on her crown), and it did look homemade! But she loved it. She wouldn't wear it in advance, but she eagerly wore all the pieces for each of the events we went to: the apartment bash on Wednesday, dressing up for Kindermusik Thursday morning, the library party Thursday evening, and the safe YMCA trick-or-treating (with face painting) on Halloween itself. We decided that going door-to-door in an apartment complex was not the way to go this year.
In addition to the obligatory photos of the cute Halloween kid, I've included a video we took at the apartment party (sorry it's a little dark -we were inside at dusk). One man came dressed with a full-head mask of death (I think). He was tall to begin with, and this thing made him even taller. He was obviously there to try to scare the kids, but one of our neighbors told the littlest kids, including Katie, that he was a big bat. That made her fascinated with him, as you can tell from this movie. You'll hear "Bat, where are you?", and you'll notice she uses her wand to try to repel him :) Enjoy!
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