OK, so I'm many months behind. But I couldn't post last week's events without posting a few photos of the winter and spring. I'll make them all brief.
Our big event was our trip to Colorado in January. We went with Dave's mom Martie (Nana) and got to see Sara's sister Jennifer and her family, and Dave's brother Doug and his girlfriend, Georgia. Sara's dad and Cynthia came up for the weekend while we were there, too. Big family reunion!
And when we got home to DC, we visited with Sara's brother Rob and his family. So Katie got to see all her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in one week!
We went to several museums, including the Art Museum, which was really terrific. They had a whole section of interactive exhibits, which explains why Katie and Aunt Jen look like this:
Here's Katie at the Children's Museum with Georgia:
It was a long time before Katie stopped talking about the Bells' cats; Rosie was willing to let Katie pet and cuddle with her (Oliver never lets that happen at home!).
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