November 10, 2008

Air Show, Sat., November 1

We live very near Lackland Air Force Base, which is where all enlisted Air Force personnel go through basic training -- a big and busy place. It's close enough that we have fighter jets and huge cargo planes go overhead every day. Luckily we all like airplanes! This weekend was a big air show at Lackland, so we had to go. Lots of planes on the ground to look at, everything from early biplanes to the newest fighters and helicopters. Here are Dave and Katie waving from the back of a BlackHawk helicopter (boy, they're big):

The best part, of course, were the flyovers. The fighters (F-15s, F-16s, and the new F-22s) are FAST and LOUD! I can see why there are so important to our national defense - amazing airplanes. They did a fun "demo" called the Heritage Formation: a WWII-era plane and the three new fighters.
Dave got a great shot of them:

Dave and I both took lots of movies of all of the various aircraft. The one of the F-22 wouldn't do it justice (both speed and deafening noise), but here's one of the famous Navy Blue Angels - they were the stars of the weekend. Note that the plane in the middle of the formation is flying upside down...

And did I mention that we all got a little sunburned in the mid-80-degree weather on November 1? :)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

80 degrees! It's cooling off!